"A folk high school is a free school with no grades, curriculums or exams. We believe in your ability to learn without pressure."
This is a quote from www.folkehogskole.no
And we agree. Folk high school is about action and ease, fun and earnest, expression and contemplation, conversations and seminars, breadth and depth, the whole and the details, academic subject and social life - in other words, both mind and heart. Your experiences will be useful for future studies, work and leisure for the rest of your life - a year you will never forget.
The year you spend at a folk high school will be exciting and introduce brand new subjects. You will meet talented instructors with a lot of experience, enjoy time off from exams and homework and make new friends. You will experience dormitory life, student evenings, exciting expeditions at home and abroad and much, much more.
Valdres Folkehøgskole provides the opportunity for you to unfold and explore new possibilities. We want to create an environment where you can develop yourself - to become a more creative, empowered and open-minded person.
The program subjects are what you apply for. This is where you will spend most of your time.
Explore our thrilling programs.
The electives and core subjects offer much variety, and we have lots of interesting subjects with plenty of opportunities. Many students choose Valdres because of our electives, while the core subjects are common to all students. Our subjects include dormitory class, body/soul/spirit, psychology, projects and seminars.
Explore our exciting electives.
Life at Valdres Folkehøgskole also involves living in a dormitory, preferably with one of your fellow students. This blurs the line between school and leisure. Valdres Folkehøgskole is also known for its excellent social environment.
The average student is around 19.5 years old, and the distribution between boys and girls is more or less 50/50, depending on the year.
There are over 70 different folk high schools. You can find them by visiting www.folkehogskole.no
What does it cost?
The price varies slightly depending on which program you choose. You can apply for support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund. You can receive up to 117,170 NOK, of which 40% will be converted to a grant upon completion of the school year. It is the responsibility of the student or their guardian to apply for grants/loans.
Read more about finances and insurance.