Application form for your dream program!

The admission process starts on February 1, but we recommend submitting your application earlier in order to secure a spot in your preferred program.

The admission process for the Active Living and Leisure program starts as early as September 1.

Apply now


In order for us to process your application, you must submit your academic transcripts, including order and conduct.

The following criteria will be considered when processing your application:

- The age limit is 18, but exceptions can be made.
- Attendance, order and conduct from previous schooling.
- Information regarding relevant social and health conditions.
- Acceptance of students with special needs depends on current capacity and expertise.
- Class composition will be decided by the school.
- The timing of the application can be a deciding factor.


Information for applicants to the Active Living and Leisure Program:

Admissions for the program start as early as September 1.

The school will contact and invite the applicant, parents/guardians and other relevant persons in the support system for a visit to the school. This is to allow the applicant to become familiar with the school and its offerings, and for us to become acquainted with the applicant and their specific needs.


Welcome to the Winter Wonderland!